Power of Print

Magazines are ranked the most trusted media in the world today, outperforming websites and TV by +30% for inspiring consumer purchase decisions. Print magazines deliver a unique and powerful combination, aligning content and context to advertising messaging, resulting in high impact moments for consumers.


of consumers believe that print ads are the most trusted sources when it comes to decision making – Wall Street Journal, 2020

The Print Advantage

Print provides mass reach to efficiently target your consumer, with readership continuing to grow for 10 weeks after the on-sale date. Magazine readership is always ideal for your campaign timing because it is consistent month to month.

What Neuroscience Says About Print Magazine Ads:
Paper Readers Remember More

Paper-based Reading

Higher comprehension and recall
Higher comprehension and recall
Stimulates emotions and desires
Stimulates emotions and desires
Slower and deliberate reading
Slower and deliberate reading

Paper-based Reading

Preferred by majority (even millennials)
Preferred by majority (even millennials)
More focused attention, less distraction
More focused attention, less distraction
Drives sensory involvement
Drives sensory involvement
Consumers spend an average of 49 minutes reading each issue

Magazine readers are powerful, must-reach consumers

Magazine readers account for $6 trillion dollars spent per year- 92% of total U.S. adult spending.

Devotion and Loyalty to Print Magazines Spans Across Generations

Magazines Connect with The Future Majority (Black, Latina, AAPI Women, and LGBTQ+ Women 40 and under) through inclusive content and imagery that tells the stories of diverse communities
Percent of Americans Reached by Magazine Media
African Americans
0 %

(vs. 78% Social Media Users)

Asian American
0 %

(vs. 76% TV Viewers)

Spanish / Latino / Hispanic
0 %

(vs. 82% Social Media users)

LGBT Americans
0 %

(vs. 84% TV Viewers)

Millennials / Gen Y
0 %

(vs. 85% TV Viewers)

Gen Xers
0 %

(vs. 85% Social Media Users)

Baby Boomers
0 %

(vs. 71% Social Media Users)

Magazines Inspire Connections

Magazines outperform websites & TV for content brought up in conversation

When sometimes it seems our differences are too great, I try to remember that good storytelling brings compassion – and brings us all a little closer.

Average pass along rate: 6 readers per copy

Actions Taken

Magazines are proven to deliver the highest return per advertising dollar spent vs. other media. Print advertising builds loyalty among consumers, resulting in the greatest percentage of brand favorability and purchase intent. After 5 exposures, the engagement increases at a faster rate, delivering more than other media.

Frequency Drives Purchase Intent

Frequency in print media yields higher purchase intent than online or TV.

Print ads get the right message to the right audience, which is why they are more effective at driving sales than ads in other media What’s more, increased frequency of exposure significantly heightens purchase intent.

No Data Found

The Print Campaign Analysis, MPA

Print Magazines Deliver Results by Getting the Right Message to the Right Audience

Print magazines allow brands to effectively and efficiently reach target audiences, all in a contextually relevant environment. Results are measurable and have been proven to drive significantly higher awareness, purchase intent and product purchase as a result of seeing an ad.
Power of Print PDF

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